Sinusitis & Homeopathy

Sinus is a cavity within a bone or other tissue. Most are commonly found in the bones of the face and connecting with the nasal cavities. Normally, the sinuses are empty except for a thin layer of mucus.

The inside of the nose has ridges called Turbinates. Normally these structures help humidify and filter air. The nose is divided in the center by a thin wall, called the septum. Most of the sinuses drain into the nose through a small channel or drainage pathway called the middle meatus.

The purpose of the sinuses is unclear. One theory is that sinuses help humidify the air we breathe in; another is that they enhance our voices.

Sinus Conditions or infections:
•Acute sinusitis (sinus infection): Viruses or bacteria infect the sinus cavity, causing inflammation. Increased mucus production, nasal congestion, discomfort in the cheeks, forehead or around the eyes and headaches are common symptoms.
•Chronic sinusitis (or chronic rhino sinusitis): More than just a series of infections, chronic sinusitis is a persistent process of inflammation of the sinuses.
• Allergic rhinitis: Allergens like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander cause the defenses in the nose and sinuses to overreact. Mucus, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, and itching result.
•Deviated septum: If the septum that divides the nose deviates too far too one side, airflow can be obstructed. •Turbinate hypertophy: The ridges on the nasal septum are enlarged, potentially obstructing airflow.
•Nasal polyps: Small growths called polyps sometimes grow in the nasal cavity, in response to inflammation. Asthma, chronic sinus infections, and allergic rhinitis can lead to nasal polyps.

Symptoms of sinusitis:
Pain and pressure in the face along with a stuffy or runny nose are the main symptoms of sinusitis. You also may have a yellow or greenish discharge from your nose. Leaning forward or moving your head often increases facial pain and pressure.
The location of pain and tenderness may depend on which sinus is affected.

Muscle weakness
•Loss of flexibility
•Decreased aerobic fitness

Other common symptoms of sinusitis include:
Sneezing, runny nose or stuffy nose
•Facial pain
•Yellow or greenish discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat
•Bad breath
•Cough that produces mucus
•Tooth pain
•Reduced sense of taste or smell

Causes of Sinusitis:
Sinusitis is often caused by an infection of the mucous membranes with a virus, bacterium or fungus but the culprit is Genetic predisposition. Most people with acute sinusitis have had a viral infection such as the common cold. During a cold the mucous membranes become swollen and tend to block the openings of the sinuses. Irritants and allergens can inflame the linings of your nose and sinuses, causing sinusitis. Some examples of irritants include:
airborne allergens such as grass and tree pollen
smoke and air pollution
•sprays containing chemicals, such as household detergents.
Enlarged adenoids and growths on the mucous membranes, such as nasal polyps, may block the openings to the sinuses and cause sinusitis. People with certain medical conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, are more likely to get sinusitis.
Anxiety, depression, physical inactivity required for age, improper nutrition, etc do play a significant role in development of Sinusitis.

Asthma flare-ups. Chronic sinusitis or allergic sinusitis can lead or trigger an asthma or bronchitis attack.
•Meningitis. This infection causes inflammation of the membranes and fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.
•Vision problems. If infection spreads to your eye socket, it can cause reduced vision or even blindness that can be permanent.
•Hypertension and Aneurysms or blood clots. Infection can cause problems in the veins surrounding the sinuses, interfering with blood supply to your brain and putting you at risk of Hypertension and a stroke.

Diagnosis: To diagnose sinusitis, your doctor will review your symptoms and give you a physical examination.
The exam may include the doctor feeling and pressing your sinuses for tenderness. He or she may also tap your teeth to see if you have an inflamed Para nasal sinus.
Other diagnostic tests to assess the potential causes for sinusitis may include a mucus culture, nasal endoscopy, X-rays, allergy testing, CT scan of the sinuses, or blood work.

Homeopathy treatment:
Sinusitis has the best answer in Homeopathy when prescribed constitutionally. The acute attacks or infections are warded with ease and are no obstacle to the road of recovery. Dr Manus Homeopathy Doctors provide optimum Dosage and regimen depending on the patient’s day-to-day habitat, aiming to provide a long lasting solution of the complexity of Sinusitis. Steam inhalations, physical exercise as per age and profession, appropriate diet, sunlight exposure to boost immune reserves of Vitamin-D, etc are planned as per the need of the individual.